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Re: [Admin] changing e-mails question

From: Brian Bell <brian.bell@a...>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 20:16:12 -0700
Subject: Re: [Admin] changing e-mails question

> >I'm in the process of changing ISPs, and I was wondering if there is
> >quick and easy way of switching the address at which I'm subscribed?
> >New one is
> >
> >John M. Atkinson
> To put it bluntly, no there isn't. The only way to do it is unsub
> you leave one ISP and resub when you get to the new one. Otherwise
> somewhere along the line things are guaranteed to go wrong and I'll
end up
> with tons of error messages :).
> Sorry about that, thicko list server software y'know..
>			  TTFN
>				  JOn
Or if you can manage to overlap the services for a day, you can
subscribe using your new ISP and then unsubscribe using your old ISP. I
did this once because it also allowed me to provide forwarding links
from my web pages for that overlap period.
If you do not have this luxury, I agree, that there is no other easy

Brian Bell

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