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RE: Splitting the Mailing List Suggestion

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 15:13:18 +0100
Subject: RE: Splitting the Mailing List Suggestion

>1) I don't play Full Thrust, so I'm overwhelmed by the
>constant barrage of
>FT mails that come through the list.  It seems that about
>every 5 minutes
>I'm having to delete another FT mail.	It's gotten to the
>point that I'm
>considering dropping off the list since there is so little
>DSII discussion.

Conversly if you are more interested in FT the DS2 SG2 mails
seems the greater - I think this is subjective, id est
it depends on which game(s) interest you whether the
non interesting posts out-number the non interesting ones.

>2) A DSII/Stargrunt mailing list might encourage more
>discussion.  Every
>morning, I come into work & have about 50 messages that I have
>to scan the
>subjects of & delete.	I frequently miss the DSII messages
>because they are
>lost in the mass of FT messages.  Only when I'm looking in my deleted
>messages folder something else, do I catch what I've missed.
>By having a
>DSII/Stargrunt mailing list, these messages won't be lost
>amongst the FT

The message tag idea has helped this sorting of the list
I think its a lot better then it was. A big stick needs
to be applied every now and then to keep people on
subject and subject lines meaningful.

>3) A DSII/Stargrunt list could possible decrease internet traffic.  I'm
>assuming there are other list members out there like me that
>don't play FT.

So where does all the generic stuff go, both lists? major
admin headache for the poster.

>So, what do people think about starting a seperate DSII/Stargrunt list?
>Thanks for listening,
>Nils Hedglin

I vote No. Just keep to the rules on this list, use the tags and
keep the OT stuff to a minimum (as of a quick count now 60%
of messages are OT)

We've tried using on-line bulletin boards, but it seems people
much prefer THIS mailing list (warts and all).

tim jones

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