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Re: Scenario cards (was: RE: [MISC] [OT] Bring and Battle)

From: SRKOALA@a...
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 01:42:37 EDT
Subject: Re: Scenario cards (was: RE: [MISC] [OT] Bring and Battle)

In a message dated 98-09-24 01:03:14 EDT, you write:

<< If you'll indulge me a moment, I'd like to drift back to the original
 thrust (so to speak) of this thread:
 Tom replies to:
 >Tom spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
 >> Scenarios are a lot of fun, and I enjoy playing them, but they take 
 >> work.  They take time to design them; time that I do not have.
 >That's why you try to build up a collection of scenario cards so you 
 >can just pull a couple of cards and run a battle. 
 I have been meaning to respond to this, but have been just too swamped
 with other things lately (work, life, etc).
 Michael Brown has a very nice web page out there with scenario cards
 made up. I have taken them and added about a half dozen more of my own
 In my card deck I doubled up on all of his scenario cards, with my own
 additions also doubled. I have used these on a number of occassions and
 work fine for putting together scenarios on the fly. Hell, I even
 use them for ideas when I'm just *designing* scenarios! :)
 The URL for Michael's scenario generation cards is:
 They were originally designed with FT2 in mind, not FT2.5, but it
 really not be much of a problem to adapt them. Least I haven't had any
 problems with that.

 "Well, it's's happened. The stars...are clear. The
 We've won. Oh, some dark force no doubt will show it's face once more.
 wheel will always.....turn. But for's calm. And for a little
 at least, we can rest."
			      - The Emperor, "Starcrash" >>
Cool quote, would you mind posting the cards that you use?

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