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[GZG] The Indonesian Commonwealth

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 23:44:46 -0500
Subject: [GZG] The Indonesian Commonwealth

Somebody asked about the status of the Indonesian Commonwealth (IC).  A

The IC borders both the OU & the ESU.  It sounds like, from the official

timeline, that the IC & the OU have had pretty bad relations, including
few major shooting wars.  The IC may be somewhere in the ESU's sphere of

influence, but not firmily in it's 'bloc'.  The overrun of India may
convinved the IC that the ESU is not all that well intentioned towards 
their neighbors.  If the OU & the NAC are firendly (an assumption - I
Be Wrong), then the reasons for the IC & the ESU to at least be 
co-operative is even greater.  The OU has some level of indigenous ship 
design & construction, and the IC may want to match that, either with 
hone-growns, or by buying a lot of ESU stuff.  They would probably be 
courted by the ESU (a la Islamic Federation), but may not want to be too

close.	They'd be feeling the pich between the OU to the south, the NAC
Japanese to the east & north, & the ESU from the north & west (India). 
 They'd also be afraid that if fighting ever broke out on Terra, they'd
smack in the middle - even possibly a flashpoint.

All of this would contribute to a feeling of necessary independence, but
worrisome one just the same.


Prev: RE: Acquiring mini spiders and Ants for your DS scenarios. Next: Re: Scenario cards (was: RE: [MISC] [OT] Bring and Battle)