[SG2] You'll never take me alive, coppers:Was RE: PA availability
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:19:53 -0700
Subject: [SG2] You'll never take me alive, coppers:Was RE: PA availability
Which brings me to another point, once gone 'round a while back. "Less
Lethal Force" now, I don't want to dredge that up again per se, but I
thinking about levels of police armaments around our azure sphere. The
Metropolitans are armed only with truncheons, right? Then other branches
local (and national?) police/paramilitary forces are armed with
pistols/shotguns/s.m.g's as a matter of course. In the USA we choose to
fairly inadequate weapons to most of our Law Enforcement types, save in
certain SWAT/Response Teams. What's the level of armaments around our
global GZG community?
I figure three or four arbitrary levels:
1) Unarmed (Bobbies? Some American Mall Security/Bank Guards)
Pepper Spray
2) Armed (Most US (Canadian? Mexican? Street Cops/Sheriffs, Armored car
guards) Have small caliber handguns, shotguns for defense/offense. May
light body armor.
3) Paramilitary (SWAT Teams, Carbinieri,???) Armed with smg's, sniper
rifles, assault rifles. Light body armor a must, at least.
4) Military Indistinguishable from the local military. (Banana
Soviet KGB Border Guards/ Customs Guards) Probably less (or no)
artillery/armor support though....
I'm curious to the local levels and organization names around our big
web, and opinions/ ideas on the GZG future history counterparts.
> ----------
> From: Ground Zero Games[SMTP:jon@gzero.dungeon.com]
> Reply To: FTGZG-L@bolton.ac.uk
> Sent: Friday, September 18, 1998 3:48 PM
> To: FTGZG-L@bolton.ac.uk
> Subject: RE: PA availability, was: [semi OT] Women wargamers
> >I won't take that bet. But the idea of hearing "WHAT'S ALL THIS
> >blasted at 120 decibels over the suit speakers fills me with glee...
> But can you genuflect in PA....?
> ("Evenin' all...")
> Jon (GZG) (who is JUST old enough to remember Dixon of Dock Green in
> B&W....) :)
> >
> >> ----------
> >> From:
> >> Reply To: FTGZG-L@bolton.ac.uk
> >> Sent: Friday, September 18, 1998 1:55 PM
> >> To: ftgzg-l@bolton.ac.uk
> >> Subject: RE: PA availability, was: [semi OT] Women wargamers
> >>
> >> i always thought powered peelers would be a good idea in
> >> any sort of cyberpunkish future where crime spirals out
> >> of control as urban population density and the rich-poor
> >> gap rises. based on existing british cozzers, i would
> >> paint them blue, with white checked stripes. add an
> >> ornage dot and some big numerals on the back for
> >> recognition from aircraft, and a big blue flashing light
> >> on the head or shoulder. in short, The Powered Arm Of
> >> The Law is more like a current police car than a
> >> policeman.
> >>
> >> ---- you wrote:
> >> > Noah spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> >> > > Interesting argument - I'll have to paint up some of my ESU PA
> >> police
> >> > > colors (any suggestions?) for use in my developing gang
> war/uprising
> >> > > scenario...
> >>
> >> Tom
> >>
> >> nb 'peelers' is a (somewhat antiquated) british term for policeman
> (police
> >> were invented by Robert Peel). i think it's a cockney term, but
it's a
> >> good one.
> >>
> >> ps i bet a pint someone will argue that peel didn't invent the
> >>
> >>
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> >>