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Re: Babylon Five game

From: Jerry Han <jhan@c...>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 16:25:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Babylon Five game

Phillip E. Pournelle wrote:
> However, there were two weapons that completely dominated the game. 
> Narns and humans torched the Centauri fleet in two different games. 
> the Narns used their energy mines and heavy beams to destroy the
> fleet.  In the next game the Humans torched the Cenauri fleet in a
hail of
> heavy beam attacks.  The HBW system just has too mcuh power...


This was a matter of some discussion at GZGECC I, and on the testers
for Fleet Book.  Personally, I think the HBW has got the punch it needs
the B5 Universe, because we've seen weapons that can core starships with
one shot.  It may mean that playing in the B5 universe isn't for
because ships tend to die so easily.  (It's a problem I'm having with 
Honor Harrington Rule Adaptations; any attempt to make the rules
to the books means players starships tend to blow up rather messily and
quickly. This is also why it's taking so bloody long to get a second
out.  (8-( )

Also, I've found the Centuari starships to just not be as good as other 
ships, mass for mass.  Maybe that's why their Empire went to hell.  (8-)
I've yet to see a player handle a Centauri fleet well enough to use its 
superior maneuverability and arcs against a slower, less agile opponent.
(And forget it once the 'advanced technology' ships get involved...)

Dean Gundberg wrote:
>Because of this, I like to use the basic FT beam roll for HBW rerolls
(1-3 no 
>extra damage, 4-5 1 point, 6 2 points and another reroll).  This cuts
>the problems of extreme damage on long range shots.

This is a nice idea, maybe as an option for FTIII?  But for B5, I think
you need the full reroll.  A lance of fire from across the stars,
starships, spreading them as dust along the spacelanes.  Yeah, I like
(8-)  (And I've been both on the giving and reciving end of them, so I
what it's like to have your Hyperion go BOOM.  (8-) )

Two cents or so...

/ Jerry Han -  CANOE Canada - - \
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