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Re: FMA Anyone ?

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 07:54:07 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: FMA Anyone ?

At 09:22 PM 9/7/98 +0000, Allan Goodall wrote:

>As one of the playtesters, I'd say it will be a next year thing. We've
>given the hand-to-hand fantasy stuff, but no modern ranged stuff. Other
>that, I can't comment (we're sworn to secrecy)...

So without giving anything away, Allan, I'm just interested to hear your
comments on the FMA Fantasy.  Is it any good?  Is there a lot of good
potential?  I'm very interested!


   "And how do you suppose we stop them?
      Get a big red sign with the word 
	    STOP written on it?"	  

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