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Re: Another TD idea

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 09:25:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Another TD idea

You wrote: 

>But no matter what the justification, the bottom line is that 
turretless >combat vehicles need something extra to be viable choices. 
Unless ofcourse >you *want* them to be obsolete crap and have everyone 
just use turreted >vehicles only.

Remember the only reason they existed was in order to stuff guns that 
could kill any tank on the battlefield at long range into an affordable 
hull. (ie not as big as a Tiger or JSII)  Once 90/100mm guns became 
managable enough to stuff into a tank turret, then it became a 
non-issue.  I can stuff an MDC/4 into a size 3 turreted chassis at an 
affordable cost, so why do I need a tank destroyer?

John M. Atkinson

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