Re: Finally got my 1st SGII Platoon!!!
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 19:51:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Finally got my 1st SGII Platoon!!!
At 11:32 AM 9/4/98 -0400, you wrote:
>After painting my
>umpteenth figure in cammo, I was looking for an excuse to paint
>different. Cammo is nice, but it takes forever to paint if you want it
>look good.
Heh. That's amusing -- that's the exact opposite reaction I had when I
first started painting Heavy Gear minis, after mostly painting Epic
It was a relief to paint some cammo, 'cause all I'd been painting to
point hadn't been cammo... well, I didn't do so well on my first squad
(desert/sand color with dark splotches, rather nondescript), but my next
batch came out nice. ^_^ ("Jungle" cammo, brown/red with tan & dark
lines, looking kinda like vines.) The latter *definitely* took a while
paint, but was well worth it....
And it got me to paint some of my Space Fleet ships, in (as with most GW
stuff) styled colors, beacuse it was different. It's actually kinda
to have the two different painting styles to switch between... though I
guess you could get the same thing by doing a headquarters squadron in
parade colors, or something.
Aaron Teske