Re: Unofficial Civilizations
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:59:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Unofficial Civilizations
You wrote:
>I've read references to several powers not in the official Full Thrust
>Universe but still tied to it.
>Would anyone else be interested in getting detailed descriptions of
>these other powers than me? I'm in the process of developing my own
>that will fit in the Full thrust chronology based on Pharonic Egypt.
<Shameless self-promotion>
Well, at
you will find the work I've done towards fleshing out my unofficial
civilization (based on the only Civilization worth squat before the
Italian Renaissance, not that I'm biased or anything). Major update to
the page is finished and will be uploaded tonite--I've got the planets
and themes organized.
John M. Atkinson
(What, you expect a /shameless self promotion? When I do that, bury
me. ;)