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Re: UN Ship Nomenclature

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 22:59:21 +0100
Subject: Re: UN Ship Nomenclature

	Personally I think you should move the names down one and name
your SDN's
after secertaries of the UN. ie the Butros-Butros Gali, Coffey
	DD's then might be arms inspectors (now you was that Australian
who gave
Iraq such a hard time....) FF's might be aid workers killed in the line
duty (no I don't know any of the top of my head). I'll have to think


At 21:45 06/08/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's some thoughts about ship names for the UNSC:
>(With apologies to Ms. Cherryh)
>SDN: Continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, North &
>CVA: Oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian)
>CVL: Seas (Weddell, Caspian, Black, etc)
>BDN: Major Rivers (Amazon, Mississippi, Danube, Volga, Congo)
>BB: Mountain Ranges (Ural, Rocky, Grampian, Great Dividing)
>BC: Mountains (Everest, Ranier, Matterhorn)
>CA: Lakes
>CE: Bays
>SS: Islands
>Well, I still need a name-type for the Light Cruiser, Destroyer,
Frigate & 
>Corvette.  I'm trying to stick with natural features, to avoid getting
>UN into political mudfights (Hey, you named a carrier after them and
>an Escort Cruiser after us?).	ANy ideas?
>BTW, who's the reigning NAC monarch in 2185?

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