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Re: SG2 Vehicle Questions

From: Trevor Dow <adspirit@p...>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 17:15:52 +1100
Subject: Re: SG2 Vehicle Questions

Just to add my two cents worth...

Ted Arlauskas wrote:
  I just have a
> hard time with a vehicle having to stop (not move) to fire.  
> In the abstract context of the game,	don't think of the vehicle  
actually stopping to fire... For example if in the previous action 
(previous activation)the model vehicle moved 12" then in the next action

its stationary on the playing surface firing, then in the next action it

moves 12". This doesn't necessarily mean over the whole period you 
simulate move, stopped and fired then move again. Because the game is an

abstract simulation of combat it really means that the vehicle actually 
was moving a bit slower than normal(24") over a period of simulated time

so it could get a shot off rather than moving flat chat at 36" over that

same time frame. 

Trevor Dow
Adventurous Spirit

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