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[OFFICIAL] Re: No Good Guys?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 08:47:39 +0100
Subject: [OFFICIAL] Re: No Good Guys?

>Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@UNebMail.UNeb.EDU wrote:
>> Also, the repression by NAC definitely feeds to the 'no good guys'
line JT
>> mentioned earlier. ;->=
>	You know something... This is just an observation mind you, but
>idea of "no-good-guys" seems to be the trend in game background writing
>these days. (e.g. WH40K, Heavy Gear, Warzone and quite a few other
>out on the market.)  Have we become so cynical and so pesimistic that
>no longer desire for real heros and obvious villians for the modern
>myths we weave?  If so, why are we like this.
>Mark A. Siefert

Wow, this brought up a LOT of interesting discussion and opinions! I've
just read through the dozen or so reactions on the subject, and thought
try to clarify the [OFFICIAL] viewpoint a bit.....

When I said (typed?) the "no good guys" line, it was actually in
to someone (sorry, can't recall who) that was quite violently opposed to
the idea of the NAC in particular being seen as the Men in the White
while all other nations were just scummy foreigners (and therefore bad).
The point I was making is that this is not the case - most nations THINK
they are on the side of "right", and nearly all governments are/will be
riddled with corruption and power seekers (the last man to enter
with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes.....).
What I should have said, probably, is that there are no NATIONS that are
entirely "good", just as there are none that are entirely "bad" (at
by their own frames of reference) - they all have skeletons in their
This doesn't mean, however, that there are no INDIVIDUAL heroes (and
villains) - there can be as many of these as you like, valiantly
for the principles they believe are right.

Jon (GZG)

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