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Flying Saucers and Rocket Ships

From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 17:17:23 +0100
Subject: Flying Saucers and Rocket Ships

> As to FT size ones, does anyone else think there is a market for some
> saucers and maybe some Flash Gordon/Dan Dare style 
> rocketships? 

Alien/X-files stuff is very popular. Doing some saucer / rockwell
area 51 type ships might have some interest. I think the testors plastic
did pretty well. And you have the alien abduction lines. What about 
Indepence Day clones? DD/Flash Gordon - wait until they release a new

> diameter) that will do for FT, or as Vree ships for B5.

B5 clones - that's a probably a good market

Tim Jones

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