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Re: Other 25mm Aliens

From: <MJMurtha@a...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 12:15:32 EDT
Subject: Re: Other 25mm Aliens

>  >> Yes, we now have eight figures in the Bug-Eyed Martian (BEM) range
>  >> '50s B-movie style aliens with "hairdryer" rayguns!  No piccies
yet, but
>  >> the list is in the latest update to the online catalogue (see Paul
>  >> recent posts).
>  >
>  >Could be just what I need to get back into painting again :-)

I got some of these Martians from Jon while over in the UK, although I
paint them (I bought two sets and traded one for the painting on the
they came out looking very nice when finished. Now all I need are some
tiny plastic bubbles to put on their heads. :)

>  As to FT size ones, does anyone else think there is a market for some
>  saucers and maybe some Flash Gordon/Dan Dare style rocketships?
>  Jon (GZG)
An unequivocal yes for Flash Gordon style ships. They would be great.

Mike J. Murtha

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