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RE: The Phalons

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 10:16:38 +0100
Subject: RE: The Phalons

>> I saw some "Phalons" at SAGA last month, and I think they look
>>disgusting. They
>> sort of look snail like, but if you flip them,  they look more like
>> penises protuding from a scabby scrotal sac, hence the name of the
>> phalus.
>> GZG were  obviously in jest when they released this line, but I'm not
>> BTW, everyone who saw the models, about half a dozen people, all
>>agreeded with
>> my assesment of their appearance, and they were rapidly named the
>   In that case, maybe I don't want to know about any rules for this
>Tom Granvold				<>

The Phalon ships are indeed snail-like in configuration, and were
inspired by the similarly-shaped ships in Johji Manabe's superb
series "Outlanders". Yes, they do look rude if you turn them upside
but the name was chosen AFTER the first few ships were designed  ;).
for them are in early testing stages, for inclusion in the FB vol.2.
 Despite the name, they are NOT intended as a "joke" race - they will be
valid (and dangerous) as any other force, and we've already started to
quite a few over here, so obviously some people like 'em!
(BTW, anyonewho gets worried by "symbolism" of that sort should NEVER,
even LOOK at the old GW Tyranid stuff (especially the doors in the Space
Hulk supplements), or the Kryomek, or anything at all by H.R.
)     :)

Jon (GZG)
(Who has never worried that his Heavy Cruiser wasn't big enough....)

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