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Re: Strategic Movement (was Re: LaGrange...)

From: Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@U...
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 06:31:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Strategic Movement (was Re: LaGrange...)

One point about getting that particular with your calculations:
See, we often think of stars as fixed points on a grid. Actually, the
hummers are whizzing about relative to each other at quite interesting
velocities and directions.

Been years since I was in school thinking 'bout math and physics, so I
won't even try to come up with any figures. Suffice to say, EOS-to-EOS
nicely generic, though I still wonder if EOS shouldn't be as much as a
out(re Oort Cloud, for which I can't do the umlat). Think about a nice
of system, with a periphery of 'exit' points. Pirates could hide in
particular points, hoping their the right one.

Similar to the Lagrange point discussion, one could suggest that the
influence, or matter, was swept by the formation of the system disk. If
aren't pressed too much, could be good PSB for a two dimensional system
map. (Did I say that already?) ;->=


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