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Re: GZG Future (was Re: Odd FT Idea)

From: Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@U...
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 21:01:07 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG Future (was Re: Odd FT Idea)

I know someone made a comment about religion being more important,
as a bone of contention. Dunno, don't give it much thought myself, but I
remember being shocked to find out that here, in a small town in central
USA, Lutheran was the dominant form of Christianity, but that the lines
were further so drawn, that it 'wasn't the thing to do to date out of
synod', a subdivision of the sect.

Anyway, I figure that it would be the norm that older, established units
would try to maintain their flavor, but that newer units would be more
amorphous. Hmm, on the other hand, the fluff I was trying to put
about Captain Dame Megan Evans certainly would suggest that the NAC was
one big happy egalitarian bunch...

Don't worry, no other other hand this time. ;->=

Oh, and the earlier comment about EFSB not being GZG should have had the
emoticon, but as I had already used in the note, I was holding back.
Sometimes it seems like every other sentence needs to be marked as


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