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Re: GZG Future (was Re: Odd FT Idea)

From: <Sabmason@a...>
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 19:45:56 EDT
Subject: Re: GZG Future (was Re: Odd FT Idea)

In a message dated 98-07-05 19:34:23 EDT, Richard S. writes:

<< Well, I made the point that even neighbouring cities in the UK, which

 have a very short travel time between them keep very specific 
 identities, so why would that change, QED, why would American and 
 Brit identities merge. >>

Your point was well proven to me today, standing in line at the grocery
joy!).	A person (I will not be snide and comment on ancestry, gender or
neural activity level) was deriding their child's choice of a date,
seeing as
how the date was from the 'Southside'.	Of the same city.  Sheesh, I can
naive, somedays.  We seem to treat every distance as if it were an
interplanetary gulf.  Oh, well.  More speculation necessary.


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