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Re: EFSB & RE: Babylon 5

From: "Mark A. Siefert." <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 15:40:58 -0600
Subject: Re: EFSB & RE: Babylon 5

Doug_Evans/CSN/UNEBR@UNebMail.UNeb.EDU wrote:

> Nope, EFSB is not a GZG product. I failed. I'll go put the bit bucket
> my head now.

	No... Since EFSB rules are based on FT.  Since FT is one of the
covered on this list, I see no problem with discussing them.  In fact,
I'd like to see more EFSB discusion on the list.
Mark A. Siefert

     "Armed people are free.  No state can control those who have the 
machinery and the will to resist, no mob can take their liberty and 
property.  And no 220-pound thug can threaten the well being or dignity 
of a 110-pound woman who had two pounds of iron to even things out."

				     --Clarissa Olson
					From "The Probability Broach"
					By L. Neil Smith

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