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Re: John Atkinson

From: tom411@j... (Thomas E Hughes)
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 21:38:17 -0500
Subject: Re: John Atkinson

John, I find your remarks to be offensive and uncalled for. 

In my entire time on this list you are the only person who goes out his
way to put down people on this list. I have enjoyed the collegiality of
everyone here in discussing matters both near and far to gaming. I think
you owe everyone an apology.

Tom Hughes

On Fri, 3 Jul 1998 08:40:20 -0500 (CDT) (John
Atkinson) writes:
>You wrote: 
>>  The next is the HEAT round - High Explosive Anti-Tank which is a 
>>  The 3rd and not mentioned is the HESH round - High Explosive Squash
>I'm NOT a tanker, so the difference between these two is to me, moot.	
>They're both anti-armor rounds with a secondary blast effect.	
>Differences in penetration are so far below the granularity of 
>Stargrunt, much less Dirtside.

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Prev: RE: Vulnerability of tanks, aircraft to lower TL attacks Next: Re: Vivre la Quebec libre!! (8-) (was Re: Odd FT Idea)