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RE: Odd FT Idea

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 21:52:30 +1000
Subject: RE: Odd FT Idea

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Pugh []
Subject: Re: Odd FT Idea

>> I'm wondering about the Gurkhas.  I mean, Nepal is either A)Part of 
>> troops, descendants of the Gurkha batallions in the Indian Army.
>The SG2 timeline makes some mention of a reformed Gurkha battalion in
>service of the NAC. My guess is that whilst Nepal is under the ESU's
>there are some NAC controlled or NAC allied colony worlds out there
>Nepalese populations which provide the recruiting grounds for these
>Gurkha battalions.
>Could be interesting if there are also Gurkha battalions in the ESU

There is quite a good chance that the Ghurka's may be out from under the
ESU clutches. In Queensland in Australia there is a program being
negotiated to emigrate Ghurka's (retired soldiers and families) here.

No reason why they can't still be around and in NAC Service in 150 or
200 years.

Owen G

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