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Re: Table Size (was Room to Game)

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 01:02:07 +0100
Subject: Re: Table Size (was Room to Game)

At 08:18 26/06/98 -0600, you wrote:
> to be accessible from all sides?  Also do you prefer tables of normal
> or low ones like I see at some game stores?
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> Dean

	You might want to make the table 3' to 3'8" high. In my club we
have a few
blokes with back problems. The higher table means that you're not
down as much and can use bar stools instead of normal chairs. One of our
group has done this by making a simple box frame which goes on his desk
then the boards go on top of that. It is now a very popular table with
bad back brigade. As for area say 5'6"x7' and leave plenty of room to
around it.


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