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UFTWWWP: Anyone I'm missing?

From: "Mark A. Siefert." <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 19:55:15 -0600
Subject: UFTWWWP: Anyone I'm missing?

	Work on the latest update for the UFTWWWP is going slowly. 
(I've got a
crazy work schedule that gets me out of bed at 4 Dark 00 hours and lets
me go at 1530... I sleep the rest of the day.)	I need to take a head
count of all the FT sites that I am missing from my page.  If you want
inclusion on the page, send me the URL to your site.
Mark A. Siefert

     "Think of all the considerations that go into each decision you
Is it ethical? Is it good in the long run? Who benefits? Who is harmed?
will it cost? Does it go with the couch? Now imagine a large
group-imagine a
very large group, say, 250 million people-trying to agree on every
made by every person in the country. The result would be stupid, silly
hugely wasteful-in short, the result would be government."

				     --P.J. O'Rourke

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