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Trek Background: SML's are Photon Torpedos

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:32:16 +0100
Subject: Trek Background: SML's are Photon Torpedos

Trek Background:

In my on going Star Trek Source Book project, I thought that
pulse torpedoes were the closest analogy and the obvious inspiration 
for them was the photon. Now with SML's I think
it gets even better. This gives you the photon salvo effect, 
it gives you the targetting and evasion effect and it gives you 
the potential massive damage effect. In Trek you don't have point
defence but you do have ablative shields. You also get the magazine
and launcher concept which you actually see in ST VI. 

My feeling is that the ER salvo gives a good match as the photon
is a long range weapon. Also the magazine capacities in the FB are
a bit low for a trek style shoot out so I'd probably increase them
to ten slavoes for say the Enterprise C.

You can also create proximity photons by using the variable SML
ranges (3Mu 6Mu etc) with probably a yield modifier for the larger
the SML to hit roll)

IIRC this is similar to the photon spread concept that James Clay used
in his
Trek Micomachine games (I never saw one live but have read various
posts here and in ragnarok and James' home page)

tim jones

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