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Re: Communication and Travel

From: "Richard Slattery" <richard@m...>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 16:46:07 +0000
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel

On 16 Jun 98 at 8:43, Ground Zero Games wrote:

> In general terms, I think we have to look at planetary invasion as
> being a series of small surgical strikes to destroy/capture key
> points, and the threat of orbital support to subdue the colonists'
> will to resist. All this has been discussed at length over the last
> few days. In game terms (with DS and SG), probably the best way is
> to set up maybe two or three games each focussing on one small but
> important strike operation, and let these be representative of the
> invasion attempt as a whole - the outcome of the invasion can be
> judged on the outcomes of the limited battles you play.
> Just some thoughts,
> Jon (GZG)

And very welcome those thoughts are. I think I will still 
tinker with the concept of an organisational level system, well, for 
the heck of it ;)

Richard Slattery
For most men life is a search for the proper manilla envelope in which
to get themselves filed. 
     Clifton Fadiman

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