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Re: FB - emblems

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 19:10:29 +0100
Subject: Re: FB - emblems

>Thanks to both Adrian and Tim for the views of the fleet emblems; I've
>started saving scrap plastic to bash uniform badges until the pewter
>through. Also, BIG thanks to Jon for letting them be shown.
>I still think the FSE should have been for Free Cal/Tex, though, with a
>lonestar and a longhorn, it looks mostly Tex...
>You could take the NSL, rotate the wingtips up, slightly, scootch the
>over, repeat and point the other way, for the Romanoff's(anybody
>the Romanoff's?)
>Jon, comments on the origins/significance of the emblems, though
>obvious to you, would be appreciated. If there IS such; I recall
>Roddenberry getting pretty miffed about detailed questions early on
>concerning Star Trek minutia. Seems he used stuff that sounded good,
>was beginning to tire of thinking rationales behind them.

Heh. I well know THAT feeling..... :)
>Or, should I just wait for the FB, if it has the above?

Yes, the FB explains the origins of the emblems, but most a pretty
self-explanatory - the NAC one is a stylised "A" (for Anglian), in the
traditional red, white and blue of the Union flag, the FSE is uses the
symbol for Europa, a bull (it is explained that the French wanted their
Tricolour but for once were voted down!), with the star to symbolise
spacefaring and federal unity. The ESU star and bars is a development of
both Russian and Chinese military symbols (especially the Chinese air
marking) and the NSL one is pretty obvious - the good 'ol Imperial

>As most of the ships I've tried bashing, though none are complete, are
>aircraft rockets, bombs, and tanks, I've decided they are actually
>converted tankers from a spin-off of the losers from a corporate war:
>Texaco Free States. Now, if only I could find some very small Texaco

Try some "N" gauge railway wagon decals - must be some for tank

Jon (GZG)

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