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Re: Low Tech Scenarios

From: NVDoyle <NVDoyle@a...>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 00:29:24 EDT
Subject: Re: Low Tech Scenarios

In a message dated 98-05-17 22:22:50 EDT, The Capitalist Running Dog
writes ;)

<< Only if you're rooting for the Russians. . . :P >>

Seeing as how my area of study and interest is the Eastern Front, WW2,
used to rooting for one Bad Guy or another.  The whole Chechen bit was
What a way to go out of the international scene; talk about a Whimper as
opposed to a Bang...

If anybody is interested, any good East Front book covering the tactical
will provide a wealth of great DS2/SG2 scenarios, coving the whole gamut
possibilities - one reason why I like the thing.  If anybody wants a
list of book suggestions, email me.

Coming soon:  More Nukes for DS2, and Dog Teams for SG2!!!

Noah V. Doyle
Wondering *why* Capitalist Dogs are always Running-
mine seem to sleep a lot...

Prev: Re: Random ramblings. Next: Re: Low tech SG (was Re: A Humble Request)