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Re: FleetBook - minor error/errata for FAQ

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 16:29:16 +0200
Subject: Re: FleetBook - minor error/errata for FAQ

Mk wrote:

> Just an fyi for you who have the FB (or will be getting it soon ;) as
> remember anyone mentioning this earlier...
> I was looking at the NAC Vandenburg-class heavy cruiser stats and
> that the technical specs list her as carrying a pulse-torp, but the
> Systems Display shows no such thing. So I sat down just now and worked
> the mass math. I believe the SSD is correct, that the indicated pulse
> is not normally mounted on this class of ship. That's correct, right,

As always, the SSD and NPV are correct (after all, we checked them,
right, Mark? 
;-) and the tech data, when different from the SSD, is incorrect :-) I
think the tech data was cut&pasted from the Furious-class escort cruiser
in this case, and not edited enough.


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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