Re: Background of Nations
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 00:10:46 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Background of Nations
You wrote:
>Too true. I think that while this may be seen as some (NOT me) as a
cop-out >for not wanting to come up with innovative, 'futuristic'
political bodies, I >like it, because it has the familiar ring of the
IMHO, it's the only realistic thing.
I mean, France has been around for a few hundred years, and it's really
the baby of the major powers listed. Germans have been around since. .
. Arminius? Whenever. The Chinese have a culture thousands of years
old. Only Americans could imagine a culture completely changing in a
mere 200 years, and that's just because we've only been around since
>an interesting idea to bring the big English-speaking nations under
one roof >(no offense, Australia). I also like the ESU - China
Churchill did an alternate history involving that. South wins Civil
War, and eventually an English-speaking alliance results. Seriously, I
think US-Canadian amalgamation is probable, a US-UK odd, but imaginable
under the right circumstances.
>and interesting to play the Bad Guys - especially if we get to use
Maoist >Rhetoric(TM)!
The Indomitable Will of the People shall prevail!
John M. Atkinson