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RE: A Humble Request

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:31:26 +1000
Subject: RE: A Humble Request


I remember us doing this a while back. Someone went to a lot of trouble
to put up a players location list here:

perhaps we should all check it and update our details

Owen G

-----Original Message-----
From: NVDoyle []
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May 1998 15:30
Subject: A Humble Request

My late-night curiosity has gotten the better of me:

Could everyone, including all you lurkers, post where you are?	I'm
curious to see what kind of distribution we have here.	It seems to be a
of Brits & Ex-Colonists, but I could be wrong.	Country, Province & City
be nice, or just Country if you don't want to give too much away...

Noah V. Doyle

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