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Re: Police Grav vans

From: tom411@j... (Thomas E Hughes)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 18:50:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Police Grav vans

The reason for the multicolored lights on police cars is that it is the
lights identify which police force they are!! In the dark (which happens
to occur half the time) you can tell who you are following. State police
have one setup, county another, and adjacent towns have different
combinations of white, blue and red lights.  Soooo when you are in a
megopolis like you have around Chicago, you really see bizare combos!!

Paint the MP's any color combo you want but change the combo if you are
mixing forces ( Marines, Army, Militia, etc.)

Tom Hughes

On Thu, 30 Apr 1998 00:27:26 EDT NVDoyle <> writes:
>Actually, a SC2/3 grav/hover APC is not too blase at all when you're 
>about use against civvies, usually armed with nothing better than 
>shotguns &
>pistols - it all depends on context...
>Also, what's the most popular (& best-looking) light-bar color scheme 
>police vehicles?  Here in the States they are starting to look like 
>the little
>ships from 'Close Encounters'; Red, blue, white, yellow, newscam-light 
>white, etc.  I need to paint those little guys, and engage in some 
>Noah V. Doyle

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