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Re: Police Grav vans

From: "Peter Mancini" <Peter_Mancini@o...>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 13:22:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Police Grav vans

Depending on which state you are in, American Lightbars go from the
old-fasioned Gum-Drop light to Vegas on Wheeles. I've seen low-profile
candles that look more like ski-racks (stealth version) and I've seen
Wedge bars that have about 15 nodes plus ally lights, side bar lights,
wig-wags and other items. In Maine recently we saw the new Standing
that deploys into a much larger system when activated (Yeah, that won't
prone to malfunction... <he said sarcasticly>)	Most Police go for blue
some county sherrifs have red. Counties were finally abolished in
Massachusetts and the the many, many different police forces were
consolidated into either local police or State Police. I've seen Red and
Blue but that isn't very common (excepts on Fire Engines now adays.)

I'd say go for Blue with BLINDING WHITE STROBES. That seems to be the
well around here at least.

--Pete (John Atkinson)
04/30/98 10:51 AM

Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Peter Mancini/OneSource)
Subject:  Re: Police Grav vans

You wrote:
>Actually, a SC2/3 grav/hover APC is not too blase at all when you're
talking >about use against civvies, usually armed with nothing better
than shotguns & >pistols - it all depends on context...

Being a civilized person, I'm going to have equip with water cannon and
tear gas grenade launchers instead of the RFACs. . .

>Also, what's the most popular (& best-looking) light-bar color scheme
for >police vehicles?  Here in the States they are starting to look

I dunno, but I now have a reason to use the flourescent blue and red
paint I picked up--the new Ral Partha stuff.

John M. Atkinson

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