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Re: X to GZG conversions...

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 21:27:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: X to GZG conversions...

You wrote: 

>	If their based on the 10th Century then it should be 
Klibanophoros >with any vechile unit being Cataphractoi.

Yeah, yeah.  My background isn't complete yet.	When it is, I will be 
more than happy to put together an e-mail and pass it around via 

>	What no Trapezitoi, Akritoi, Skutatoi, Peltastoi or Pisloi?

Trapezitoi would be what we call the scout batallions.	Skutatoi would 
make a nice term for heavy mechanized infantry.  Peltastoi would, IMHO, 
be a bit anachronistic, regardless of What'shername (Alexai's niece)'s 
opinion.  Psiloi--God knows.

>	The Varangians should definately be from the Scandinavian 
> (And commanded be a big red headed bloke called Harald)

You win!  Scandanavians it is!

John M. Atkinson

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