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From: Trevor Dow <adspirit@p...>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 10:53:17 +1100
Subject: Re: CHILL OUT

Mike Wikan wrote:
> Chill out! A lot of people have been duped by the GW evil presence and
> want to come over to the side of goodness! If he have lots of figures
> wants to use more power to him! The LAST thing anyone should do is
> discourage someone who wants to use GZG stuff and is new to the list.
> some time or another many people bought a GW product and after they
> to their senses, found a better rulest to use their really expensive
> figures for. I even bought a Tyranid epic army so i could have an
> force for DSII. Give him a break.
> Michael Wikan, Game Designer
> Accolade, Inc.
> No.....I've nothing to chill out about, and I,m not stressedDon't
Forget Peter asked for anyones opinion. So I gave mine. My 
personal opinions are mine and mine alone. If I don't like GW on this 
page that's my opinion and I was expressing it. It dosen't mean you 
can't write about GW, go ahead. If you have a different opinion then 
thats fine, thats what FREE SPEACH is all about, isn't it. 
I appologise to those especially Peter who may have taken offense with 
my beef with GW. Enough said about this OT
Regards to all Trevor Dow

> > Why do we have to even mention that GW CRAP on this page
> > The whole idea of playing FT, MT, DS and SG is to get away from all
> > that
> > heroic, OVER PRICED rubbish dished out by GW. If you want to play GW
> > games fine but lets not start turning GZG's into another look alike.
> > GZG
> > games are generic and yes by being generic you can make all sorts of
> > Armies in fiction fit into its universe. But for @#%&'s sake can't
> > leave GW put of the picture, they've got a big enough monopoly
> > already.
> > Don't get me wrong, I'm all for free speach, but I don't believe GW
> > are.
> > SIGNED @#$%ed off with GW

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