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RE: Kra'vak Railgun

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 09:56:01 -0400
Subject: RE: Kra'vak Railgun

>I would like to resurrect the idea of ECM systems that degrade Railgun
>firecons. Each "level" of ECM gives the ship effectively level 1 armor
>vs Railguns (which are considerably slower than Beam weapons)

Alternatively, I use 2 sets of PDAF for each level of armour (max 2)
against railguns.  I play that a projectile has a chance of intercepting
another projectile (as a phalanx system).


Stuart Murray

Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461

Tel: (718) 430 4289

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