RE: ConQuest'98 FT results (was RE: Kra'vak Railgun)
From: "Geoffrey Stewart" <Geoffrey_Stewart@u...>
Date: 20 Apr 1998 13:45:05 +1000
Subject: RE: ConQuest'98 FT results (was RE: Kra'vak Railgun)
It is impossible to comment on your tournement without knowing what
weapons and
rules you were allowing, as a general comment we have found the KRa'vak
powerfull even doubling the points leaves them with an edge, we simply
them in the end. I have found a good ship design to be a mass 80 hull
with 2
pulse torpedoes in each arc and level three screens, it just waddles up
people's heavily armoured / screened ships and wallops them.
Peace and Love