Irregular Miniatures
From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 10:16:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Irregular Miniatures
Ages ago, someone asked for the address of Irregular Miniatures - I've
finally gotten organized enough to find and post it...I've also got a
question I want to throw out there about some of Irreg's line...
3 Apollo Street,
Heslington Road, York
Tel/Fax: 01904 671101
(they take Visa & Access)
No email address/website that I've ever found, however...their regular
mail order is pretty fast, however.
My Question:
Does anyone have any experience with the various spaceship miniatures
Irregular produces? What do they look like? (I know enough about
to know the overall detail level will be low, but the price is good, so
the general appearance of the ships is decent...)
They have two ranges: "6mm Space Ships", w/ Human & Alien ships, five or
six in each batch.
the larger "Spaceship Range", w/ the Imperial, Dysonian,
Delphan & Confederation fleets, plus misc. support/civilian ships.
Anyone seen/own examples from any of these ranges, some sort of
information on their appearance would be appreciated.
Brian (