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Re: PBeM FT/EFSB Vector movement (Excel)

From: Mark Sykes <tardis@r...>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 00:04:57 +1000
Subject: Re: PBeM FT/EFSB Vector movement (Excel)

At 3:57 PM +1000 6/4/98, ROBERTSON,Brendan wrote:
>I've got a full working version of the vector movement spreadsheet in
>excel for anyone who's interested.
>Reply privately to this eMail address for a copy (please note the
>version you require, I have it currently saved in SYLK version, so it
>should import into most excel versions.)
>It should be up on my webpage tomorrow.
>'Neath Southern Skies
>Mary had a little LAM,
>It's thrusters all aglow;
>And everywhere that Mary went,
>The 'Mechs were sure to blow.

Greetings again

1. I  may be able to use a SYLK version for Excel-Mac and/or
ClarisWorks-Mac and would appreciate a copy - plain/zipped or stuffed.
OOps-found it. Thanks. (I'm doing 2+  things at once)
2. Your new background appears	familiar if you have been a visitor to
Farseer Mike's page.

Enjoy Easter


All the way from GallifreyŠ	- the preferred address

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