Re: Traveller Starships
From: IronLimper <IronLimper@a...>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 14:30:00 EST
Subject: Re: Traveller Starships
In a message dated 98-04-04 06:39:55 EST, you write:
> Traveller Starships
> Does anyone know what happened to the recent Traveller starships
>I believe they were by RAFM.
>They did some really nice ships and promised more (the Broadsword...).
> Can you still get them?
At least two of the Traveller ship figs morphed into Silent Death
fighters. I
don't recall the class names in either game but I'll try a short typed
description from memory:
1) The first had a plan-form similar to a modern fighter in that it had
like appendages on the rear of the ship. The nose was squared off in
section, but came to a sharp point. The wings were thick and had 3
tubes on the leading edge of each "wing". From above the wings were
trapazoidal (long edge attatched to the fuselage) in shape. In our games
call 'em destroyers.
2) Second are the flying stovepipes. Cylindrical with limited
Small "wings" in the rear that resemble the horizontal surfaces on a
torpedo. Some sort of weapons snugged underneath the "stabilizers". A
bridge/low conning tower thing in the middle on the top. Some bumps
and on the the bow of the ship some inset gun/missile tubes --three I
This ship appeared on the cover of a Silent Death sourcebook, though
again I'm
not sure which one. Light Cruisers in our games.
I'm going to paint them up in IJSN colors, but only one of the
'stovepipes' is
painted yet. It's white with the Rising Sun on the stabilizers and
along with a sky blue band around the fuselage forward of the bridge. It
pretty sharp, if I do say so myself. I'll have to get a picture taken
scanned so's I can show it off.
My friend and I