Re: David Peters, Internet Message
From: "Belegdel(Troy Nancarrow)" <t.nancarrow@g...>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 08:45:07 +1000
Subject: Re: David Peters, Internet Message
At 09:40 AM 3/30/98 -0800, you wrote:
>> Dear Mark:
>> The ships that you have mentioned were designed by JMS. They
>>made reference to on The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5.
>> Sincerely
>> David Peters
>I just did a word search on the ship class names at the Lurkers Guide
>I didn't get any hits. Do you have a better idea when I could find this
>information. A picture would be great. That way if I ever come up with
>mini, I'll have an idea how to paint it.
There is a B5 episode where Starfuries are seen being transported
to the outside of a shuttle sized vessel (second half of season three I
think). That might cover the Porcupine. (IIRC it was transporting the
Black Omega (Psi-corps) squadron).
Belegdel(Troy Nancarrow)|"If you take the tears from cying eyes,
Web Server Admin | Will the hurt just disappear?
Griffith University | Put a weapon in the hands of a frightened man,
Brisbane, Australia | Will he show no fear?" - Genesis