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RE: Stargrunt Support Weapons

From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 09:03:23 +1100
Subject: RE: Stargrunt Support Weapons

Causing damage with the RFAC/1 may be more difficult, but is capable of
causing major damage to vehicles (unlike small-arms) or regularly
wasting PA troopers.  This is your trade-off for a reduced firecontrol
(don't forget, no firecon gives d4 firecontrol minimum).

'Neath Southern Skies
Mary had a little LAM,
It's thrusters all aglow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The 'Mechs were sure to blow.

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Thomas Barclay []
>Let's say I've got a decent support weapon with D10 firepower 
>(although using a bipod or some such), and a D8 quality die. That's 
>fairly dangerous as an attack. 
>Change that to an RFAC/1 which is actually probably more dangerous in 
>a real world sense (a .50 M2HB on a NHT or a M234 Gatling on a NHT), 
>and it becomes less effective instead of more (like I think it 
>should). You roll fire control die (D4 or D6) and your quality die 
>(D8). Does anyone notice how much weaker this is? Wowzers! 
>Perhaps one should be rolling firepower die too.....
>Thomas Barclay

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