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Re: DS: SAW versus APSW versus RFAC

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 21:03:24 +0000
Subject: Re: DS: SAW versus APSW versus RFAC

My take on this issue was rather different. First let me make
it absolutely clear what I'm talking about:

Real world	      DSII		 SGII
SAW,LSW,LMG,GPMG      Included in	 SAW
		      rifle team

HMG		      APSW		 Nothing

20mm Cannon	      RFAC/1		 RFAC/1

To my mind the problem is twofold:
to represent HMGs in SGII and to account for having different types of
MG mounted on vehicles in DSII. 

Heavy Support Weapons:
These fall inbetween the SAW type weapons and Class 1 Heavy Weapons.
They are normally operated by a two or three man team. They use the 
same rules as Crew served weapons (page 30 of SGII) but the crew do 
not count as encumbered when moving.

Weapon		       Firepower     Impact
HMG			D10	      D6x2
Rotary HMG		D12	      D6x2
Gauss HMG		D12	      D8x2

The D6x2 (not 2D6) Impact is better than D12 but not by the same
amount that D12 is better than D10 etc.

They fire as infantry arms against armoured vehicles and so can't do
much real damage. But the need to keep them less powerful than RFAC/1s
forbade any other options.

When fitted to vehicles they take 1 capacity when mounted externally,
but 2 when mounted in any turret that can be fired from inside.

Back to DSII. The HMG teams are simply APSW teams. On vehicles both
HMGs and SAWs count as APSWs, this is the benefit for solidly mounting
a SAW on a vehicle rather than lugging it around on foot.

Other SGII weapons converted to DSII:
Weapon	      Range	Chits	    Notes
GMS/P		12"	 2

PPG (vs Veh)	4"	 2 R+Y	    rather like a 
    (vs Inf)	8"	 3	   combined APSW/IAVR
AGL (vs Veh)	6"	 2 R, Y vs Reactive armour
    (vs Inf)   12"	 3 
MLP (vs Veh)	4"	 2 R, Y vs Reactive Armour
    (vs Inf)	Already figured into PA teams improved
		anti-infantry abilities.

My take on the NAC 8 man squad is 1 five man rifle team and 1 three 
man PPG or GMS/P team. The 6 man NSL squad becomes a four man rifle 
team and a 2 man PPG or GMS/P team, the extra man in the NAC teams 
cancelling with the full suit armour in the NSL teams to produce a 

I have the feeling that this is terrible unclear.

"My theories appal you, my heresies outrage you, 
 I never answer letters and you don't like my tie."  - The Doctor

Stephen Richard Pugh

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