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Re: 0.5 size vehicles

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 10:27:04 -0800
Subject: Re: 0.5 size vehicles

>How do you handle Micro size vehicles such as below?
>  Motorcycles
>  Gravebikes
>  Magnetic Repulsion Surfboards/Skateboards

These I would class as cavalry mounts, with movement rates of high
wheeled, slow gev and zero respectively. Magnetic repulsion requires two
magnets to work, so you would need the ground to be diamagnetic, which
is _very_ unlikely.

>  Powered Hang Gliders/Powered Wing

I would classify these as "targets". Far too slow and visible to survive
very long ;-).

>I assume that this will be addressed in Busg Don't Surf (BDS). These
>micro vehicles are usually used as scouting vechicles. But in the mean
>time, I welcome comments on the below:
>0.5 size vehicles:
>Only open top vechicles may be .5 size. If it is enclosed, it will be
>size 1 or larger


IMHO, 0.5 vehicles aren't really necessary. But don't let me stop you!

  Tony Christney

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