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Re: Off Topic: Date Stamp (was: Another fighter question)

From: Steve Pugh <mafb90@d...>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:52:02 +0000
Subject: Re: Off Topic: Date Stamp (was: Another fighter question)

Brian Bell wrote:
> > PS How does your reply to message have a date stamp on it 24 hours
> > earlier than when my message was sent?
> >
> International date line? I have observed this quite often on this
> I believe that it is because we have list members in the UK, Canada,
> Austrailia and other countries. From the East coast of the US (or
> Canada) it is about a 1/2 day diference.

That's impossible: I'm in the UK. 
No one should be more than 12 hours away from me in either direction. 
The message in question had a date stamp 24 hours earlier than the one 
it was replying to.....


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