Re: GZG Mini and Dice collections?
From: adrian@r... (Adrian Bruce)
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:25:00 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Re: GZG Mini and Dice collections?
In article <l03010d03b10720ee3746@[]> writes:
Sorry about the font. I posted from Netscape with the default Japanese
font.. Back to a unix telnet window here...
>> >I've cleaned out about every where local , but that has yielded only
>> >4 dice
>> >each of d4 to d20!
>> >D6 are easy to find, and go for around 100yen for 6 here, and I
>> >must be sad, as I
>> >have 30!
>> I'm surprised that you are having trouble, given the apparent
popularity of
>> RPGs over there. Try some US or UK mail-order suppliers for some
>> sets (we even stock them ourselves now!)
>> Jon (GZG)
If you define Magic, as RPG, then yes, it does seem to be everywhere,
but the Dice aren't. A local toy store ( with a huge CCG display) has
a few. a plain one is like 180yen, the metal flake is like 220yen
each. I visited Yellow Submarine in Shinjuku Tokyo a few weeks ago
and there they had some dice. Also a few tubes of MEGADICE from the
Armory. They also had CHELSEA (?) dice with d4 to d20 in speckled
finish in little clear cases for only 1,100 each(!).
Adrian Bruce
Science Fiction Fantasy Design and Implementation