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New Campaign Rules & Query

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 98 20:23:44 GMT
Subject: New Campaign Rules & Query

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Niall wrote:

>As a matter of interest how many different campaign systems for FT
>are there out there now?  Does anyone have a set of links to each of
>them?	This could be very useful if it exists.

Congratulations, Niall, you've just volunteered! :)

Mine are at:



 /~~\_/~\ BEWARE ,,,  |~) _  _	_  _  |~)    __|_ _  _	\    / _  __|_
|  #=#======of==#   | |~\(_)(_|(/_|   |_)|_||  | (_)| |  \/\/ (/__\ |
 \__/~\_/ FILKER ```	     _|
Vote Chris Bell for TAFF in 1998

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