Prev: Re: Roles of various ship classes Next: A bit of SGII Fiction

Re: A bit of SGII Fiction

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 20:31:28 +0000
Subject: Re: A bit of SGII Fiction

>      Sir, let me assure you that this was strictly coincidence, and
> nothing more.  Honestly.  Really.  Cross my heart and hope to be
> forced to sit through Alien:Resurrection (a fate far worse than
> death) again.
>      Now, could you call that guy that you sent over, and tell him
> that I don't NEED a manicure?  I mean, sure, it's a nice offer, but I
> just don't like the way he says "Steve Pugh sent me for your
> fingernails."  Nor do I like the way that he keeps fondling those
> pliers that he's carrying.

Relax, that's Theo. He really is a manicurist. I was worried about 
the state of your fingernails after all that typing you did. The 
pliers are just something he likes to play with, don't know why, 
never asked.

Nah, what you have to worry about is the crack team of GW corporate 
assassins that are approaching your house as we speak.


"Grab reality by the balls and squeeze." - Tempus Thales

Stephen Richard Pugh

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