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SV: Tenders and stuff

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@n...>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 00:38:44 +0100
Subject: SV: Tenders and stuff

> Yup, more silly questions:
> Can the Tender-FTL system be installed on a warship?

Probably, but I'd make it pretty Mass-intesive. Consider:

A normal Warship uses 25% of it's Mass for an FTL drive, 25% for engines
etc, and has 50% available for weapons and such. 

A Freighter also uses 25% of it's Mass for the FTL drive; it's engines
should be about as large as the Warship's but it might save space on
quarters etc. It has 10% of the Mass available for military equipment,
thus some 40-45% of the Mass is cargo- or passenger spaces.

A Tender seems to devote most, if not all, of those 40-45% IN ADDITION
the normal 25% to it's beefed-up FTL drive - thus 65-70% of the total
of the ship is FTL drive. It never says so in the rules, but now that I
think about it it seems reasonable :-/ (And yes, I know I was the one
said the rules didn't say anything about the FTL drive Mass earlier in
answer to your question on fuel consumption. I still maintain that they

> If so, it seems a real good fleet design would be
> to have all Capital ships with the Tender-FTL system,
> for a number of reason:
> 1)  They can take highly combat capable non-ftl craft
> into battle
> 2)  They can take damaged craft home again.  Especially
> vs those nasty people with needle missiles...
> 3)  They can take _captured_ craft home again, see (2)
> 4)  If their FTL system takes a threshold check they
> still can get their own butts out of there.  I'm
> guessing that the oversized FTL engines can take an
> extra hit.

Doesn't say so in the Tender section, though. Use it as a house rule if
like :-)


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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