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Dual Wave Gun Ship

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 97 16:34:42 GMT
Subject: Dual Wave Gun Ship

On Mon, 08 Dec 1997, Brian Bell wrote:

>> We like Wave guns on smaller ships.	Less to blow up.  One thing I've
>> always wondered is if there could be TWO waveguns on the same ship. 
>> designed a double barrelled wavegun cruiser (only one could fire at a
>> and was not pleased with the results.
>I have used one designed by Roger Burton West to fair effect. You only
>one at a time. The idea is that while you are firing one, you are
charging the
>other. This acts as a single Wave Gun with a quick recharge.

...and a bit of systems redundancy. (Hi Brian!)

Would that be the Rostov-na-Donu S, which _just_ carries the two WGs, or
one of the more sensible heavier ships?

I should be scrupulously fair here, and point out that I did this to
see if it would break the system. Apparently it doesn't; which makes me
happy. Of course, the weapon charging rules look to me as if they were
meant to reflect a lack of power in the ship, in which case the single
d6's worth of charge should really be shared between the two guns; but I
don't play it this way.

On the subject of breaking the system, has anyone else used my Zinoviev
fast attack boats (or similar)? Mass 1, thrust 8, one submunition; cost
8 with FTL, 7 without. I was _very_ surprised to find that these aren't
nearly as overbalancing as I'd expected; any former Battletech players
remember the Savannah Master hovercraft?



 /~~\_/~\ BEWARE ,,,  |~) _  _	_  _  |~)    __|_ _  _	\    / _  __|_
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 \__/~\_/ FILKER ```	     _|
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